Monday 10 February 2014

Head Banging and Autism

Head Banging not just for heavy metal fans- the autism aspect

One of the very real and very scary side effects of autism for some families is self injurious behaviour.  It is thought that 50% of children on the spectrum exhibit some form of mild self injurious behaviour, from biting themselves, to excessive rubbing at a spot, or scratching or pinching themselves.  Serious self injurious behaviour is exhibited in about 10-15 % of children with autism and includes actions such as head banging, hitting and punching oneself and intentionally hurting themselves to the point that serious injuries such as broken bones, bleeding or brain damage may result.

 It is devastating to watch your child hurt themselves and not be able to do anything to stop it, our first instinct as a parent is to protect our children so how exactly do you protect your child when the danger comes from within themselves.   You learn how to read your child for signs of stress and survey your environment for any and all triggers that may possibly cause them to want to hurt themselves, but as hard as you try sometimes it is not enough and sometimes you just can’t avoid that awful moment when your child slams their head into the wall or the floor or takes their own fist and punches themselves in the head, or slams their knee into their face.   The pain that you feel over the pain they are causing themselves is only matched by the dismay at not being able to help them.

Our oldest son used to have self injurious behaviour, he would slam his head into the wall or floor and a few times he would slam his entire body into the wall or anouther object, but his behaviour was always triggered when he was in a full meltdown and was much much easier to predict as you knew melt down = head bang and we were able to restrain him in order to stop him from hurting himself,  luckily as he got older and his ability to speak and communicate got better his self injurious behaviour stopped as well as almost all major melt downs.   A few months ago when Ben slammed his head into the floor for the first time my chest got tight, and I felt like I was going to be sick to my stomach, and when he countinued to hurt himself on an almost daily basis my heart broke, you see his behaviour is not brought on by a melt down, no his behaviour is spontanious and unpredictable and more often then not I don’t know what is going to cause him to hurt himself, I know that he does it sometimes after being told he can not have something or to stop doing something, I know that he sometimes does it when he is upset or frustrated for instance when I have to leave him with someone but it is sparadic and sometimes I don’t know what causes it for instance he may be set off by a sensory trigger or someone may accidently bump into him.  What I do know though is that the frequency in which he is hurting himself is increasing to the point where he bangs his head at least three or four times a day sometimes more.  two weeks ago he slammed his head so hard into a cinder block wall after coming out of occupational therapy that he stunned himself and had a group of doctors and nurses rushing to our side in total shock and fear.  ( we had to walk through their lunch room as the parking lot is under construction so we had to go a new way out)  The sound that his head made when it slammed into that wall sent shivers down my spine and I literally almost dropped my littlest man while trying to get to him.  The best way to describe it so you can somewhat understand, moms that have had a child fall down the stairs or fall off of a play structure, that tight chest and instant fear, that is how I feel every time I hear the crack that his head makes when it hits the floor.  Just before Christmas he slammed his face so hard into our t.v stand that he knocked a tooth out brought on by a sensory trigger to a sudden noise.  

This is two incidents in just as many months that have resulted in a serious injury.  I am terrified, our workers are worried and concerned and we need to figure out how to get it to stop.  They sent a letter through to our doctors office advising they wanted a referral sent through to a neurologist.   

Severe self injurious behaviour can be caused by any number of things ranging from, seizures or illnesses such as Lesch Nyhan, Fragile X and Retts syndrome, to attention seeking or frustration.  It may also be caused by issues with ear pain or head pain or the inability to communicate all three of which Ben has.  In order to stop the behaviour you must first figure out what is causing the behaviour and to be on the safe side you want to ensure that it is not a medical or genetic issue.  So today I went into the doctors office to start the process and to have her put through the referral for a neurological assessment, an assessment that will inevitably be hell on both Ben and I as they try desperately to get him to co operate long enough to be able to get an accurate reading and which is more than likely going to result in a sleep deprived EEG which will have us both tired and stressed  because it basically means that I wake him up some time around 11pm and keep him awake until our appointment the next morning around 9 or 10am,  doesn’t that just sound like the best of times sleep deprived mom and lil man, fun all around for sure.        

Our doctor’s office called this morning with a cancellation, I jumped all over it as the next available appointment was not for another three weeks, calling our other appointment for the day I  bumped it back in order to be able to fit both in.  I showed up at the doctors office and we sat and we waited they were apparently running behind so we waited for fifty minutes, a very very long fifty minutes with Ben starting to get very agitated and starting to stim and at one point throwing himself onto the floor, I was on edge, not wanting him to hurt himself and knowing that it was quite possible in his already agitated and stressed state, I tried redirecting his bad behaviour as he tried to stand on the chairs, flashed the lights on and off and tried to run from the room,  I was trying very hard not to say something to the very rude receptionist that kept flashing me dirty looks and bit my tongue instead of yelling at the “perfectly manicured mother” when she gave me the lady control your kid look.  Finally I couldn’t handle it anymore and I told the receptionist in no uncertain terms that we would not be waiting any longer and that the doctor had better see us now as we had another appointment that we needed to get to, She took us in right away, but my frustration and anger only grew as she advised that she wanted to do some other tests before putting the referral through and that since he was not a real danger to himself or others then we could do those tests when we came back in three weeks,  I needed to leave I was already pushing it for time and was going to be getting home to meet our other appointment with minutes to spare, so I did the only thing I could do at the time without completely losing it on the doctor, I got up and walked out of the room, saying over my shoulder, I will remember that the next time he slams his head into the floor that he is not a danger to himself.  She followed me out of the room and down the hall and through the waiting room saying I can see you are upset, I will call you and we can discuss this further when you have more time and have had time to think about it more rationally, by the time I hit the waiting room I was bawling my eyes out, as I hit the outside door I turned and said to her when you have witnessed your child slam his head into the floor hard enough that you can hear the crack made from skull hitting floor then maybe you will understand.  I did not wait for a response, I turned and hurried to my van and raced home, crying the whole way.  Until you have witnessed it you can not describe to someone what it is like.  Our natural instinct is to ensure our own safety, we can not fathom why someone would voluntarily hurt them self.  

I am sending this blog post to the doctors office, and I may even print it to keep in my purse so the next time I am somewhere where someone is giving me that look like control your child, I can hand it to them and say I choose to not risk this behaviour, you can choose to not judge me on something you know nothing about.  So tomorrow I will call the doctors office again and advise them of exactly how it is going to be and after a night to collect myself there will be no tears on my end.   

That’s me for today just trying to live life one puzzle piece at a time and frustrated at the fact that some doctors really just don’t understand the severity and danger of severe autism.


Thursday 6 February 2014

Was just taking a look at some of the posts linked up to Living Wells, Spending Less's Thrifty Thursday's blog party and am adding a few things to my list of things to try and loving all of the great ideas for valentines day.

That's me for today just trying to live life one puzzle piece at a time and thoroughly enjoying all of the great links and ideas.

Wednesday 5 February 2014

Our House of Hearts

February is the month of love, with a holiday falling right in the middle that celebrates all things love related, from roses, to chocolate, to candle lit dinners and romantic date ideas.  To inspire you to get into the spirit of Valentines day I will be sharing some of the ways we have been showing our love around the house from decorating and creating, to special date night ideas, yummy romantic food and sharing the love with those around us.

Here we created a few heart banners to string up around the house,  we started by going through my stash of scrap booking paper as well as some lace and ribbon, so it cost us nothing to make this project, otherwise you will need to find some paper that you like and ribbon, I then traced out the heart pattern onto the back of the paper so that you do not see your marks on the paper.  

Cut out your hearts and then you will need to punch a hole into the top two corners of your hearts in order to string your ribbon through,  I choose a pretty gray lace that I liked and that went well with the colours of paper my daughter had chosen, after twining the lace through the hearts you are left with a garland of hearts that are ready to be hung up any where you choose.

We decided we liked this one so much that we also made one more to hang in our dining room window, with this second one we decided to just do the four hearts and on each heart we spelled out the word love.  
These are the perfect addition to our Valentines chalk board that we created a few weeks ago.

  That’s me for today crafting and living life one puzzle piece at a time. J.

Archives- How our puzzling life started.

Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Pieces of the Puzzle

  Lately I have found myself questioning what is important to me, what it is that truly makes me happy, and if it is true that things happen for a reason.   If you had told me ten years ago that I would be living this life today and walking the path that this life has taken me on I would not have believed it.  I have always had a rambling spirit and enjoyed living life whimsically, and very spur of the moment, I find the best adventures start with no plan and on a whim.  It is one of the things that drives my husband nuts about me i work at my own pace and flutter from project to project as i see fit where as he is a very detailed and mapped out kind of individual, it works for us I bring whimsy and chaos and he ropes it in and creates the calm, keeping us on track.

  Almost 7 years ago now our lives were forever changed when we welcomed into our hearts the first of 4, yes that's right 4 beautiful children, I can not imagine my life now without them and they each bring their own distinct little personality to our household they hold the pieces of my heart that i did not even realize were missing.  Staring into my daughters eyes when she has her head tilted stubbornly to the side and seeing myself reflected back at me or hearing the very distinct voice of my oldest son as he is reasoning through something I see my husband in him, my third little munchkin brings happiness always and walks around in a state of kaos that is distinctly me, and our youngest is a mix of the two of us even at not quite a year yet his personality is all his own and he completes the craziness that is our family.

  Our life is not an easy life, we live a very "puzzeling" life with a side of military thrown in just to keep it interesting.  Our oldest was diagnosed with Autism  3.5 years ago and just a few weeks ago our second son was diagnosed.  There truly is never a dull moment around our house and I feel that it is because of my free spirit personality that I am able to take it all in and handle it as well as I do,  it is not something that I could have ever imagined having to deal with and often get told by others I could not do what you do,  But the reality is I don't have a choice, I deal with it because it has to be dealt with, I deal with it because my kids deserve it and are worth it and I deal with it because that's what families do they rally the troops and stand together no matter what.   This does not mean that I do not have break downs on the contrary I do and when I do they are full out crying till my head hurts and I can't stop sobbing break downs or eating a tub of ice cream on my own with a side of cake, I am human and only one person dealing with a whole heck of a lot of life.

  Somewhere over the course of this crazy chaotic life I have lost me, I have lost the person that I knew and loved and I need to find her again, I need to find my inner happiness so that I can be a better mom to my kids, a better wife and a better me!   I don't know yet what that is going to entail but I do know that I feel calm when I write and it helps me to see life a little bit clearer.  I am not going to commit to a regimented schedule of blogging every day but am going to try to write once a week, but will not beat myself up about it if life happens and I can't commit to that, and there may be times when i write every day, lets just say i will write when the whim hits me, it helps with my creativity and is a lot cheaper then therapy.

Well thats me for today, just trying to live life one puzzle piece at a time.

Archives- Good times all Around


Good times all around!

It has been far too long since I have written last, no excuses I just didn’t feel like writing and if I don’t feel like it then I always run into a blank wall or page. As I sit here tonight watching the snow fall outside I am sitting in discomfort as I am really and truly done my pregnancy now if only the babe would feel the same way and make the grand appearance that would be terrific. I am content even with the pain and discomfort I am watching as my son and daughter play together on the floor, my daughter is sharing her little people a big step for her and as her brother interacts with her and shows her how to work the new castle catapult that grams and gramps bought them on the weekend she is watching him very intently and he is happy that she is paying attention to what he is showing her and not trying to take over, there are smiles and laughter and I haven’t had to intervene on anyone’s behalf in almost a half an hour. The last little while things have been going well Gray’s therapy sessions seem to be finally showing some results after months and months of therapy I feel that we are making progress and that all of our efforts have not been in vain. The last week and a half he has been talking and not just the odd word but he now pretty much repeats everything that I say I know that this is probably just echolalia (an autistic trait that literally means to repeat what has been heard) but I am still excited to have my little mima bird around it means so much to just be able to hear his soft spoken voice and to realize that he truly does listen to everything mommy says. Even the very obvious increase in his hand flapping and repetitive behaviors and the fact that he has once again started to line everything up can’t take away from the joys of having a happy and content little man in the house his quirky little traits are what makes him so special they are a part of him. My daughter has been sleeping through the night and has even started to sleep in a little in the mornings allowing me to get a little extra rest that I oh so desperately need and this weekend the kids went away to grams and gramps allowing me to have some much needed me time and a terrific night of girly talk and laughter. My husband will be home in a few days and I smile every time I mark a day off on the calendar. Yes life has definitely been good the last little while and now I am laughing as my daughter tries to put her brothers very short hair up into a hair elastic I wonder how long he’ll tolerate that and it’s a good thing daddy’s not home he might not like seeing his son in pig tails.
“Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily life is but a dream”

Archives- Go with The Flow


Go with the Flow

Today is one of those day’s that has taught me to go with the flow, something that I was fairly good at doing before but since my son’s diagnosis I have come to almost perfect the fine art. In our house things can change in the blink of an eye and I have learned to love and appreciate all of the moments that make me smile while trying to take the rest with a shrug of the shoulders. Today I was up with my daughter for almost an hour before my son got up Gracie loves this mommy time and usually spends most of it cuddled up beside me on the couch. Then I heard Gray get up he went to the top of the stairs and waited for me to come and tell him that it was ok to come down, not that I don’t let him come down without asking this is just a routine that he has developed on his own, another one of his routines that he likes to follow. So down he comes and I can tell right away that he’s a little off not upset but not quite himself, so Curious George to the rescue thanks to DVD’s we can watch George any time of the day. Breakfast was a no go, wouldn’t touch it then he played with his trains and I managed to get him to have his snack, yeah, and then back to the trains. He stayed there until lunch, we all sat down for lunch and Gray mostly ate ketchup, oh well not the end of the world. After lunch I blinked and things took a major turn, Gray and Gracie were playing peek a boo under the blanket on the couch laughing and smiling not a care in the world, Gracie goes down for her nap and then it’s just Gray and I and when I come back down from putting Gracie to bed Gray has created this wonderful fortress on the couch surrounded by a wall of pillows there he is sitting in the middle with a huge smile on his face and obviously very proud of his accomplishment we played for a little while as he hopped about the pillows would fall and he’d stack them back up again. Then he started to run around the living room floor the same pattern every loop he makes, he’s been patterning now for forty minutes the same thing over and over, oh well for that period of time after lunch I caught a glimpse of the imagination and creativity that I know my son has and after all things around here can change in the blink of an eye.
"Don't blink or you'll miss it"