Monday 27 January 2014

Previous Blog posts pulled from the archives. Talking Tom should have texted.

FRIDAY, JANUARY 15, 2010  From my previous Blog a look back at how it all started and a trip down memory lane. 

Talking Tom—should have texted

The kids and I haven’t left the house in several days now due to the fact that we have all been sick, this morning I had to get out of the house I was going stir crazy and so were the kids and besides I had to go to the pharmacist to pick up Gray’s prescription. I probably wasn’t in the best of moods to begin with my daughter had been particularly difficult this morning not wanting to get dressed or eat her breakfast. Well I guess she’ll go out in her pajama’s and stay hungry until snack time because mommy is not in the mood to argue today over something that in the big scheme of things really doesn’t matter, after all as my grandmother would say and many other grandmother’s and mother’s as well “she’ll eat when she’s hungry”. Well she didn’t eat but there was no way that my almost two year old was going out of the house in her jammies. No way not this diva, as soon as she saw me putting Gray’s coat and boots on she quickly ran to get her clothes on and grab one of her numerous purses to take with her. After all we can’t leave the house without a purse and great pair of boots right!

We get to the pharmacist only to find that they had filled the one prescription but not the other, so now we wait they say they are fairly busy but that it should only be about fifteen to twenty minutes they even give us one of those little pagers so we can walk around the store and see if we can be tempted to buy something that we really don’t need. After one full lap I decided to sit down and wait after all there is only so much you can look at in a pharmacy especially with two kids in tow. We had only been sitting for a couple of minutes when this guy walks over with a cell phone attached to his ear he was talking very crudely to somebody on the other end of the line probably one of his guy friends about a new position that him and his girl friend had apparently tried the night before. Did I mention that I had my two small children with me and that there was an elderly women also sitting and waiting. The guy got off the phone only to have it ring the most annoying ring tone I think I have ever heard about thirty seconds later. While he was talking, this time about his plans to get s*** faced that night he accidentily stepped on the other women’s toe, did he apologize like any normal nice person would have done absolutely not. In fact he looked at the women as if she was in the wrong. Shortly after this incident the woman’s beeper went off startling Gray and causing him to go into a small melt down covering his ears and crying he is extra sensitive to noise. Well guess what the rude guy actually had the nerve to turn to me and say and I quote “ Hey lady, do you mind getting your kid under control I’m trying to talk here.” Then he said to his buddy on the other end of the line “ yeah some kids”.

Well apparently I did feel like arguing today because after taking a very deep breath to try to calm myself down I said in a very quiet voice (my father in law would be proud) I suggest that you hang up the phone apologize to that nice lady for standing on her foot and then apologize to my kids and I for how crudely you have been talking and for what you have just had the nerve to say about a scared three year old. He looked at me and said “what ever”. Sorry buddy wrong thing to say. Here I go, “You either hang the phone up or I will and then I will shove it somewhere that I’m sure you would not enjoy as much as your girl friend apparently did last night and for the record she was probably faking, because any guy that has to brag to his buddies about it can’t be that good at it to begin with.” That did it he looked at me with stunned silence finally he had stopped talking. While I had been berating this loser I had also managed to calm Gray down, how’s that for multi tasking. Just then our beeper went off. The pharmacist handed me Gray’s prescription laughed and said he wished he had half my nerve. No not nerve just one very ticked off mom, if he had been my kid I would have washed his mouth out with soap and slapped him for treating his elders that way. Sad thing was he was pretty close to my age. My husband says these things never happen when he’s around that’s most likely because he’s big and a little intimidating, but he’s mostly a teddy bear (ok maybe only at home) where as I on the other hand am like a grizzly bear especially when it comes to my cubs.

Well that's me 4 years ago and you know what I haven't changed all that much.  
Still trying to live life one puzzle piece at a time and keep my calm. 

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